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Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity


Topic: Unity in Diversity

Existence in oneness even after differences, is the exact meaning of unity in diversity. To understand the importance of the quote, an exclusive assembly was presented by the students of class VII-C on November 24th, 2022. The assembly started with a motivational prayer followed by a melodious choir. An introduction was given by the anchors which further led to the thought of the day, word of the day, article, and poem. A pledge was taken by the students to be united in all circumstances. The Principal appreciated the efforts of the students and teachers and further added that “Unity is strength. Wonderful things can be achieved when we do teamwork. "The assembly ended with the national anthem.


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Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
Class Assembly 7C - Unity in Diversity
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